Friday, May 2, 2014

Fitspiration Take 2

Welcome to Friday! The sun is shining and hopefully you have some fun plans for the weekend. Last week I introduced Fitspiration boards for goal setting, motivation, and to help organize all of the things you want to achieve. I use lists for this same purpose. I love lists but I love checking off the items on the list much more. When I have a project or goal and I see it written down, nothing satisfies me more than taking a big pen and scratching it off. Lists and boards can apply to any part of your life, whether it be home improvement, nurturing friendships and relationships, career development, or that ONE goal you have always wanted to reach.

I wanted to show more boards, motivational images, lists, and figures that provide inspiration and push you to creating the life you have always imagined. We often think about doing something but how many times have you thought I don't have the time right now or I will do it tomorrow or maybe I will start on Monday. Allowing yourself to step outside your comfort zone and focus on that one goal or task that you have been contemplating on trying but never have, can open doors you never imagined. Get out there and try something new!

 I would love to hear what you are doing with your boards! Please feel free to share photos or stories of how you used yours!

Since the weather has been so nice and the thought of turning the oven on makes me cringe, I think y'all will appreciate this recipe that you can grill on either the foreman or the BBQ.

Have a great weekend!


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