Good morning and happy November! I still can not believe that in a little over 3 weeks it will be Thanksgiving and month later it is Christmas! Where does the time go? The older I get, the faster the time goes and the more I wish it would slow down, just a little.
I am beyond excited to share this post with you and hope you join me for the next 21-days!
Meditation. What does that mean to you? Does it mean 5 minutes of alone time? Time to listen to your breath and allow your thoughts to wander? Allowing time to slow down, just enough to connect with your body, listen to your heart, and refuel your spirit?
I have found meditation and just recently started practicing different forms and you know what...I have never felt more alive and empowered. Our thoughts create our reality and if you dont believe me, think back to a time when everything seemed to be going wrong. You woke up late, you spilled coffee all over your shirt, you jammed your toe all while trying to leave for work. You got stuck in horrific traffic and missed every single light and it is only 8:05 am. It's going to be a long day you think. But what we think attracts what happens. Think about the saying "Like attracts Like". When you think about something or someone that fills you with happiness, everything around you tends to be just as warming, beautiful and cheerful. When we dwell on negative thoughts and emotions, it never fails that more negative thoughts occur.
We can thank our subconscious mind for the stories we create in our head, which has been programmed since the moment of our conception. Without going into the technicality of how our subconscious mind is programmed however, what matters is that we make our own reality. We make our own reality by what we think and say to ourselves. I have found it helpful to replace the negative thoughts with positive, associate with positive, uplifting individuals and creating a positive environment in which I spend my time. It is time to stop assuming the worst and create a positive life.
Over the course of the next 21-days, I will start my morning with this amazing meditation program that Oprah and Deepak launched titled
Energy of Attraction: Manifesting your best life. I would love for you to join me and share your experience along the way! I listened to the first lesson this morning and I felt overwhelmed with desire to be my best self. Overwhelmed to clear the negativity from my mind and my life by forgiving parts of my past, limiting fear by focusing on the present and NOT the future and loving every moment of my life in its current state. Of course I am not where I want to be but I know that I have the power within myself to get there!
Take care of you!